YHVH (YEHOVAH) My Strong Rock.

Only in YHVH (YEHOVAH) do I find rest;

    my salvation comes from him.

Only YHVH (YEHOVAH) is my rock 
and my salvation, my stronghold!

I won’t be shaken anymore.

How long will all of you attack others;

    how long will you tear them down
    as if they were leaning walls or broken-down fences?

The only desire of this people
    is to bring others down low;
    they delight in deception.
With their mouths they bless,
    but inside they are cursing. 

Oh, I must find rest in YHVH (YEHOVAH) only,

    because my hope comes from him!

Only YHVH (YEHOVAH) is my rock and my salvation

    my stronghold!

I will not be shaken!

My Deliverance and Glory depend on Almighty 
    YHVH (YEHOVAH) is my strong rock.
    My refuge is in YHVH (YEHOVAH).

All you people: Trust in him at all times!

    Pour out your hearts before him!
    YHVH (YEHOVAH) is our refuge! 

Human beings are nothing but a breath.

    Human beings are nothing but lies.
    They don’t even register on a scale;
    taken all together they are lighter than a breath!

Don’t trust in violence;

    don’t set false hopes in robbery.
When wealth bears fruit,    don’t set your heart on it.

YHVH (YEHOVAH) has spoken one thing;
I have heard myself:
that the fortress belongs to YHVH (YEHOVAH),

and faithful love comes from you, my KING Almighty,
and what you will pay
all according to what they have done anything good or bad!

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